1.For advanced users, the system should provide a way of tracking references that are found to be of interest along the way.
2.With the persification of the demands of interest, what used to be our common ideal and value orientation tend to have been moved.
3.But then you can tell your kids "You know, I actually found this to be of interest" when referencing a certain section of the book.
4.This view also includes a filtering mechanism (shown in Figure 5) to help you to focus in on areas of interest.
5.Because he was the last known person to see her, he is considered a person of interest in the case, but has not been named a suspect.
6.In case of interest we are ready to submit all tender conditions and technical specifications.
7.An event is a way for a class to provide notifications when something of interest happens.
8.No one who has a relationship of interest with a bidder may become a member of the bid evaluation committee for the related project.
9.toms heart ached to be free , or else to have something of interest to do to pass the dreary time.
10.But for policy-makers and researchers alike, a question of interest is the extent to which decentralization has actually occurred.